Empower Change, Report Today

Report A Hate Crime at the BMHC

1. If you are at serious risk of harm

If you find yourself heavily hurt, in a dangerous environment with a persecutor, or fear they may return, please call 999 immediately.
2. To Report a Hate Crime
The BMHC is a registered Hate Crime Reporting Centre, in partnership with the Greater Manchester Police. We can help you register your hate crime so that the appropriate actions are taken. 

Our service is open to everyone and we take all reports of hate crime very seriously. We offer a confidential, secure and safe environment for victims and witnesses alike to speak up, report incidents and request any support that they need.

Your welfare is of upmost importance, which is why we strongly inform you to only file your report when you are certain of your safety.

We assure you that any details shared with us will be held with the upmost privacy, and that any information will not be shared without consent. 

Your voice in these scenarios is important in helping deliver this justice, helping prevent future incidents and take a stand against hate. 

To report a Hate Crime, see the contact details below.

  • Email Us: info@bmhc.org.uk
  • Call Us: 0161 881 8062 and ask to speak with our staff
  • Come into the centre and speak with one of our staff