“May Allah accept our fasting and good deeds during the Blessed month of Ramadan.”


• Ample Free Car Parking

• Beautiful Qur’an recitation by Guest Qaris (Saudi/UK)

• Ladies & Children welcome

Maintaining Good Health During Ramadan Guide







Ramadan 2024

“Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity…” (Surah al-Baqarah: 185)


BMHC Official Ramadan Announcement 2024

Please check this page for the official announcement for the start of Ramadan.

For Taraweeh start times please download the Ramadan timetable.

Taraweeh prayers will be held in:

The Marquee – For men

Inside the centre – For women

Taraweeh prayers at the BMHC will also be broadcasted live on Heritage Radio 90.6 FM every evening.

Please click on the button below to download the Ramadan timetable.

Ramadan Timetable (2024)


For everyone’s safety, please help us to serve you better by following the guidance below:

Please follow the instructions of our security staff – they are fully trained, aware of the logistics of this site and following instructions given to them by the management.

Please park within designated areas as directed by security – this will allow us to accommodate everyone and prioritise vulnerable guests.

Please be polite and courteous at all times – rude and abusive behaviour is not Islamic.

Be considerate of neighbours when coming to the centre – this is from our religion. Therefore please try and keep noise levels to a minimum. Neighbours have rights and we also have a noise control order in place from Manchester City Council.

Please put all rubbish in the bins provided – cleanliness is part of our religion.

We welcome children to the centre. However, for safety reasons, all children under the age of 16 must pray/remain with their parents at all times.

Your cooperation is much appreciated!

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