Press Release: Call for Immediate Action Following Incident at Manchester Airport

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From the British Muslim Heritage Centre for immediate release

24th July 2024


The British Muslim Heritage Centre in Manchester expresses deep shock and concern regarding the incident at Manchester Airport involving Manchester Police officers and two young men of South Asian descent. 

Video footage shared widely on social media shows the distressing actions of a police officer who used excessive and unjustified force. The officer is seen kicking a young man in the face after he was already subdued, and then continuing to assault him. Another young man, seated with his hands behind his head, was also brutally assaulted.  

Furthermore, it is being reported in the community that the elderly mother of the young men, who was visibly Muslim, was also punched by a police officer. Such allegations raise serious concerns about the conduct and discipline within the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) force. 

In light of these events, the British Muslim Heritage Centre requests that GMP consider the following actions: 

1. Immediate Suspension:  

The officers involved in the assault should be suspended immediately pending investigation. 

2. Formal Independent Investigation:  

A thorough and transparent investigation should be conducted, examining both the actions of the involved officers. 

3. Public Accountability:  

The findings of the investigation and subsequent actions must be communicated transparently to the public to restore trust in law enforcement. 

The actions captured in the video are a serious breach of the standards expected of police officers and risks a serious deterioration of community trust. We urge the GMP to take swift and decisive action to address this incident and uphold justice and accountability. 

We await a prompt response from the GMP and the GMCA /Police Crime Commission on the issue. 

British Muslim Heritage Centre 




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