Press Release: Addressing the Surge in Far-Right Protests Across the Country

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From the British Muslim Heritage Centre for Immediate Release

2nd August 2024


The British Muslim Heritage Centre is deeply concerned about the increasing number of far-right protests across the country. These demonstrations spread hatred and division, posing a significant threat to our communities harmony and safety. The rise of far-right ideologies is alarming, and we call on community leaders, public officials, and citizens to counter-act this worrying and growing threat.

Messaging for our Communities:

  1. Be Extra Vigilant: We urge everyone, especially our sisters who are more identifiable and visible, to take extra care. Take necessary precautions for personal safety.
  2. Avoid Engaging with Protesters: Show restraint and do not confront those protesting. Instead, continue to demonstrate the positive values of our faith.
  3. Report Hate Crimes: Report any hate crimes or discriminatory behaviour to the authorities immediately. This helps tracks incidents and ensures an appropriate response.

The Greater Manchester Council of Mosques and other community leaders are regularly meeting with GMP and the Chief Constable to discuss these concerns and the support required. We commend the police for their actions in protecting our communities and ask them to continually review their policing in relation to growing tensions.

The Prime Minister has announced establishing a “national capability” across police forces to tackle violent disorder. Although we welcome this call, we ask the government to implement a more comprehensive policing response to address the criminal behaviour that we are witnessing. This includes stricter enforcement of laws against hate speech, Considering the enhanced monitoring of far-right extremist activities, banning of organisations that propagate hate speech and violence, and increased support for initiatives that promote community cohesion and resilience.

Furthermore, much of this has been fuelled by online social media platforms, which need to take responsibility for curbing the misinformation and hate speech spread through their outlets.

In these challenging times, let us remember our shared values as a nation of respect, tolerance, and a shared commitment to justice and equality.

British Muslim Heritage Centre

For media inquiries, please contact:

Eyaan Arshad
Executive Assistant

0161 881 8062




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PRESS RELEASE From the British Muslim Heritage Centre for immediate...