Tackling Health Inequalities Programme

Health inequalities are deep and persistent and we feel this is one of the areas with the help of NHS partners, we can make a difference.

Healthy life expectancy at birth in the UK for the most deprived areas varies from 52 years to 70 years. On average, people in disadvantaged areas have multiple long-term conditions 10 โ€“ 15 years earlier than those in prosperous neighbourhoods, and over half of the equality gap is from deaths related to heart disease, stroke and cancer. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities have multiple long-term conditions and live in some of the most deprived areas within Greater Manchester.

The British Muslim Heritage Centre progressed through the pandemic to ensure that we continue to support the most vulnerable in our society and those affected the most by health inequalities in our community. In this chapter, you will find some excellent innovative projects that we have embarked upon in partnership with the NHS England, Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Health Network to Diabetes UK. We thank all the NHS professionals who have given up their time voluntarily to support the communities this challenging year.

Tackling Health Inequalities (Rochdale) Report


Young Adults Health and Wellbeing Report



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