Muslim Community Diabetes Project

The Muslim Community Diabetes (MCD) Project aims to reduce health inequalities experienced by the Muslim community at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and who typically access healthcare less effectively when living with diabetes. The project emphasis the faith aspects as well as the professional aspects of diabetes.


 The project has continued to reach out to Muslims through Imams and cultural community centre managers and women influencers by training the trainerโ€™s concept via a training pack that utilises the faith aspect to facilitate positive lifestyle changes and improve health and well-being outcomes. Experience and evidence suggest that messages are more likely to resonate increasing the likelihood of sustained behavioural change in this way. The project established a GM Diabetes Inclusion Network and has achieved the following:


  1. Community outreach across GM mapping cultural community centres and Mosques. Also established links with local Imams and NHS locality leads.
  2. Diabetes awareness and training manual developed and designed with Imams and community centre managers. The Diabetes Training manual cites examples from the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s guidance to promote better health. The manual also includes a Khutbah on promoting better health from an Islamic perspective. 
  3. Trained Manchester Imams and community centre managers to use the manual to inform their congregation and service users. Training was interactive and also offered in different languages so that it can reach out to those who struggle with English.
  4. Piloted the manual and review its effectiveness and impact, and ease of use.
  5. Implemented a GM wide Imam and community centre managerโ€™s manual training scheme. Use the manual as a template to develop resources for other disadvantaged religious communities.

“The Diabetes Training manual cites examples from the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s guidance to promote better health.”