Ladies Only Coffee Mornings

  • Every Thursday – 10am to 12pm
  • Location: British Muslim Heritage Centre College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester M16 8BP

Coffee Mornings

Every Thursday, from 10am to 12pm, the BMHC opens its doors to host a Women’s Coffee Morning, welcoming and encouraging all Muslim women to connect in a friendly environment that enables them to feel supported and safe. 

We aim for our space to offer a comfortable chance for women of all diverse backgrounds to get to know one another in an empowering setting, a gateway for connection and learning through a platform of support. 

Share your stories and experiences and build friendships with others, the purpose of our Coffee Mornings is to provide an opportunity to be yourself and meet others similar to you.

We hope to provide all the right support and comfort that they need.

Our Coffee Mornings offer more than just a cup of coffee. They are a homely environment for women to foster a sense of community and belonging, especially for those who may struggle to find it at the beginning of their journey. 

Here, you can share your thoughts and experiences without judgment, knowing you are among other Muslim women who understand, relate to and respect your journey. The friendly and inclusive atmosphere ensures that every attendee always feels valued and welcomed.

Choose from choices of coffee, tea, other refreshments and more to unwind and enjoy your morning. Our gatherings are perfect for casual chats or meaningful discussions, allowing you to engage with others in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. 

Whether you’re looking to discuss current events or simply enjoy a peaceful moment, Coffee Mornings at BMHC offer the perfect opportunity.

Simply come as you are, and indulge in not just coffee, but connection.