BMHC Eid al-Fitr 2023 Announcement

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BMHC Eid al-Fitr Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated on Friday 21st April 2023 Insha’Allah.

May Allah (Ta’ala) accept our efforts during this blessed month and grant us His forgiveness.

The British Muslim Heritage Centre will be holding three Eid prayers:

8:15am – Yasir Khan
9:30am – Nasar Ishfaq
10:45am – Hisham Abu Jafar

Please take note of the following important points:

1. Please arrive early Eid as each Salah will start promptly Insha’Allah. The time between each Salah is very tight, we cannot delay the Salah, therefore, if you are late you may end up missing the Salah. (The Eid Salah precedes the Eid Khutbah).

2. Please do not arrive more than 30 minutes before the Eid prayer you are attending. We require sufficient time to empty the car park of those who attended the previous Eid Salah.

3. We have provision for sisters for each Eid Prayer inside the centre. Men will be praying inside The Marquee.

4. Please park responsibly, do not block driveways of any neighbours or park in any way which obstructs or inconveniences others.

5. For those who live locally, please walk. If you are coming by car, may we please request that you car share.

6. For those who have yet to pay the Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana) please do so as soon as possible via the below link. Zakat al-Fitr is £5 per person and should be paid on behalf of ever member of the household.

Zakat al-Fitr link:

We hope you all have a wonderful Eid.

Jazaakum Allahu Khayrun

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